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Annie Rodríguez 

Founder & Senior Consultant

Equity Consulting Network

Trainer,   C-Integral -  Latinx Challenges Toward Racial Justice

Annie Rodriguez,  is founder, Manager, and Senior Consultant of Equity Consulting Network, a multiracial, multicultural team of Professional Development Consultants, Trainers, Community Organizers, Social Workers, Mentors, and Life Coaches.  


With over 20 years of experience as an anti-racism trainer, Annie has been offering resources to organizations, community-based groups, and individuals that are ready to take a deeper dive into the processes that lead to racial equity and social justice transformation.​​


Her work with institutions across the U.S. is to influence racial consciousness, social justice and anti-racism change to work toward the elimination of racial & social inequities.  Over the past 10 years, her work has mainly focused on racial identity development, racially equitable organizational development transformational solutions, internalized racial oppression development, and building authentic personal/community relationships that lead to systemic change.


Annie holds a Master of Education, Interdisciplinary Studies.  She is the proud mother of three daughters and grandmother of five beautiful grandchildren.  She currently resides in Jacksonville, FL.


María I.

Co-developer and Trainer,

Latinx Challenges Toward Racial Justice

Founder and Director, Colectivo Ilé: Organizers for Consciousness-in-Action

María Reinat-Pumarejo is Founder and Director of Colectivo Ilé: Organizers for Consciousness-in-Action, an organization committed to anti-oppression organizing in Puerto Rico and the United States. Along with Raúl Quiñones-Rosado, she co-founded and co-directed the Institute for Latino Empowerment (ILE) and established the Undoing Racism Organizing Committee in Western Massachusetts.


María teaches Race, Ethnicity and Human Rights at the Universidad del Sagrado Corazón graduate program in Justice Systems. She is a Core Trainer with The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond, an international anti-racist organization based in New Orleans, widely known for their Undoing Racism/Community Organizing workshop. An anti-racist educator, organizer and a women’s advocate, she works closely with women’s organizations in Puerto Rico and internationally to support and join the leadership of other women of color.


She is a member of the International Women Against Militarism Network and has represented Puerto Rico at gatherings in the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Mexico, Colombia, Okinawa, South Korea, Guam, The Philippines, Hawai’i, Northern Ireland and South Africa. María was one of the 1000 Women for Peace, nominated for the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize and awarded the City of Guernica 2006 Award for Peace and Reconciliation. For her two decades of anti-racism leadership and solidarity work in Puerto Rico, she was awarded the Martin Luther King, Jr. Roundtable 2016 Medal of Honor.


With an academic background in education, counseling and history, María Reinat-Pumarejo is co-author of Arrancando mitos de raíz: Guía para la enseñanza antirracista de la herencia africana en Puerto Rico, Women Warriors of the Afro-Latina Diaspora, and Palenque: Antología puertorriqueña de temática negrista, antirracista, africanistas y afrodescendiente, and has published numerous articles. María is also creator and director of África en mi piel, África en mi ser, a cultural organizing and integral leadership development process for afro-descendant women in Puerto Rico. Since 2000, several hundred women have engaged in this in-depth life transforming, antiracism organizing process.

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Cynthia Fowler M.D.

Founder, Cynthia Fowler MD, LLC

Psychiatrist, Facilitator and Trainer

Dr. Cynthia Fowler, MD is the daughter of Eunice M. Fowler (Goodman) and the late John W. Fowler, Jr who have their roots in Louisiana and Mississippi, respectively.  She was born in Watts and grew up in Altadena, CA with her parents and two older brothers, James and Mark Fowler.  As a Black woman who has spent much of her life being educated and working in White institutions, Dr. Fowler has grown to understand how crucial anti-racism organizing is in the movements for justice and liberation.  She has organized and facilitated workshops with the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond (PISAB) and held a leadership role with the Portland NAACP before joining the Equity Consulting Network to continue movement building through education.  Dr. Fowler also has a commitment to growing her knowledge and skills in nonviolent struggle as the means to obtain liberation and systemic transformation and has served as both a moderator and participant in JLI since 2019. She’s planning to create a podcast to teach people how to use nonviolent action in the struggle for liberation. 


Her career has been as a psychiatrist for more than 20 years, currently working in private practice in Portland.  She spends her free time with loved ones, creating mosaic art, sewing, and enjoying the outdoors.



Co-creator, Elementary Anti-Racism Curriculum,

Leadership Team, Undoing Racism Organizing Collective 

Founding Member,  Amherst Racial Equity Organizers (ARE)

Ruth Killough-Hill, MSW an anti-racism consultant, trainer, and community organizer is a School Adjustment counselor working with schools, educators, families and children’s programs using a racial equity lens.


Using a racial equity framework, she co-created an Ethnic Studies course for elementary teachers, reframing social studies content to include forgotten histories, culturally responsive/sustaining teaching, and project based learning This includes challenging educators to examine whether they are helping students to be critical thinkers, embracing non-white cultural values, and identifying the imposition of White Supremacy Cultural Values & Norms in the classroom.  In collaboration with the Racial Justice School Leadership Team and Working Group, she developed year long professional development for her school’s staff, asking them to examine their familial and present day definitions of respect and disrespect and how these values manifested in their curriculum, teaching and discipline practices.  


Ruth is Co-creator of the Elementary Anti-Racism Curriculum, a member of Leadership Team-Undoing Racism Organizing Collective (UROC) of Western, Ma, Founding Member of Amherst Racial Equity Organizers (ARE), Member of White Educators for Racial Justice, and serves on the Racial Justice School Council, District Racial Equity Team. 


She resides in Amherst, MA with her husband and has integrated anti-racism practices in the raising of her two grown sons, one still in the public education system.  


Roc Rochon

Founder Rooted Resistance

PhD Candidate 

Florida State University

Roc is a cultural worker, founder and steward of Rooted Resistance a grassroots practice committed to reimagining bodywork for racialized queer, transgender, and nonbinary people in the United States South. Movement outdoors is their form of refusal to commercialized notions of the body and an imperative space for a growing emancipatory relationship with our bodies, each other, and the land. 


Roc is currently a PhD candidate in the Department on Sport Management at Florida State University (traditional and ancestral territory of the Apalachee Nation, the Muscogee Creek Nation, the Miccosukee Tribe of Florida, and the Seminole Tribe of Florida) with a focus on the sociology of sport and physical cultural studies. Roc’s studies are concerned with unsettling “sport” as a politicized cultural form through understanding how histories of land, power, subjugation, and colonialism interact with bodies (human and non-human). Most importantly, Roc’s interest is in narrative stories of the ways that Black queer, trans, and nonbinary folk create liberatory bodywork spaces that tend to collective Black life. 


Previously, Roc worked as a Residence Director at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and the Senior Residence Life Coordinator in the Department of Housing & Residential Education at the University of South Florida (USF). While at USF they chaired the Social Justice Education Committee, implemented a Social Justice Peer Education Curriculum for undergraduate students, and created the Real Talk Series which centered critical dialogue on power, privilege, and oppression between faculty, staff, students and the greater Tampa Bay community. 


Roc is a former collegiate athlete where they received their Bachelor of Science in Sport and Leisure Management from Eastern Connecticut State University and received their M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University South Florida. 


Susie Boyle

Co-Founder KiKu Coaching

Coach, Facilitator & Trainer 

Susie Boyle has been a nurse for over 20 years.  During her tenure in the National Health Service of the UK, she realised the importance of personal development, self-awareness and leadership development, and she left to pursue a career in coaching and facilitation.

Susie co-founded KiKu Coaching, trains and mentors experts witnesses for the Law Courts of the UK, and is a Crew Mate at Sea Salt Learning, a global consultancy where she specialises in Social Leadership and Community Development.  To integrate a racial equity model into her practice, Susie has joined Equity Consulting Network to bring the anti-racism framework to the United Kingdom.

Her own personal journey includes spiritual healing through several 12 step/12 tradition fellowships, and she sits on the committee for representation, equity, and accessibility for one of those, the membership of which is anonymous at the level of press, tv, films and other public media. She believes that healing comes from the trinity of personal spiritual connection, connection with others, and personal inventory taking and sharing. She is committed to helping to provide safe spaces for doing this with compassion and love, and not judgment and shame, in the knowledge that these principles can be applied to all personal growth.

Susie holds a master’s degree in Leadership from Kings College, London and a Level 7 Certificate in coaching from The Institute for Leadership and Management.  Born and brought up in London, UK, she now lives in Gloucestershire with her dog Dufus.


Dr. Raúl

Founder & Principal,


Social justice Educator

Author, Leadership Coach, 

Integral  Change

Dr. Raúl Quiñones-Rosado, Founder & Principal of c-INTEGRAL, is a liberation psychologist, social justice educator, author, and leadership coach for integral change. Through the consciousness-in-action approach, Dr. Quiñones-Rosado supports personal development, authentic leadership and cultural transformation.


For more than thirty-five years, Dr. Quiñones-Rosado has been committed to personal and social change, work that has focused on social identity development, psychosocial liberation (from internalized oppression), multiracial antiracist community organizing, and cultural transformation for integral well-being (buenvivir). Currently, he teaches, trains and coaches social justice workers, helping professionals and others committed to creating positive change in the world. His psycho-educational approach addresses core aspects of integral well-being as one seeks to embody personal vision and purpose toward our shared sustainable development.


Dr. Quiñones-Rosado holds a doctoral degree in Psychology, specializing in integral and liberation psychologies. He is trained in Psychosynthesis counseling and is a Psychosynthesis Life Coach. Certified, as well, in neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and the healing art of Reiki, he has longtime interests in consciousness and future studies. His expertise is grounded in a lifetime’s work in communities-of-struggle and in a personal practice that includes meditation, journaling, martial arts, music and photography.

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